Reut Livne-Tarandach

Associate Professor, Louis Capalbo Faculty Chair, Management & Marketing


Ph.D. Organizational Studies, Boston College

MSc. in Organizational Research, Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, the William Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management

B.A. Behavioral Science, Ben-Gurion University

Courses Taught

  • MBA 602: Research
  • MBA 622: Leadership & Organizational Behavior
  • MBA 645: Spcltpc: Global Org & Behavior
  • MBA 645: Special Topics In Business
  • MGMT 315: Human Behavior in the Organization
  • MGMT 462: Managing a Diverse Workforce
  • Research

    Dr. Livne-Tarandach's research program is centered around humanistic management. In contrast to the economistic view of management that sees people as tools to attain organizational goals, humanistic management assumes that people matter, and thus call our attention to explore conditions and processes that promote human dignity, human flourishing, and organizations as caring ecologies that enliven rather than deplete the life of organizational members. Inspired by this perspective on management, my scholarly work focuses on three broad themes within humanistic management, namely (1) compassion, (2) dignity and (3) community experiences in organizations. 

    Her recent research explores how organizations can promote compassion, how a sense of community can emerge in temporary organizations, and how organizations can create a social architecture that enables the recruitment and retention of those we often see as unemployable. 

    Dr. Livne-Tarandach's research has been published in outlets such as the Journal of Academy of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Research in organizational Change and Development, Institution and Entrepreneurship: Research in the sociology of work, Humanistic Management Journal, Integral theory in action and Experimental business research: Marketing, accounting and cognitive perspectives and Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Research Methods: Innovative pathways and methods. 

    Reut is passionate about cultivating engaged scholarships that can create a new vision of organizations as life-giving sites focusing on human dignity, compassion, and a sense of community.

  • Publications and Scholarly Activities

    Livne-Tarandach, R. & Jazaieri H. 2024. How to support an employee in distress, Harvard Business Review

    Livne-Tarandach, R., Ball, J., Arora, P., Yemiscigil., A. & Kandampully, J. 2024. A 5C Model of Responsible Service Leadership: Learning from Living Systems to Play the Infinite Game. Journal of Service Management (ABDC, A). 

    Livne-Tarandach R., Jazaieri H. & Rabelo-Caridad V. 2024. Previously endured distress reduces the quality of the compassion extended toward sufferers of workplace distress. Journal of Organizational Behavior.  (ABDC, A*). 

     Kabadayi, S. Livne-Tarandach, R. & Pirson, M. 2023.  Dignity-Vulnerability Approach Framework to Maximize Well-Being Outcomes by Transformative Service Initiatives (TSIs). Journal of Service Marketing. 37(9), 1151-1166. (ABDC, A). 

    Livne-Tarandach R. Steckler, E. Leigh J. & Smith Wheeler, S. 2021 Cultivating organizations as healing spaces:  A typology for responding to suffering and advancing social justice. Humanistic Management Journal. 6pages 373–404

    Livne-Tarandach, R. & Jazaieri, H. 2021. Swift Sense of Community: Resourcing Artifacts for Rapid Community Emergence in a Temporary Organization. Academy of Management Journal64 (4):1127- 1163. (ABDC A*)

    Livne-Tarandach, R., Pychlau, S. Grotto, A., Arora, P. 2021. Examining the moderating effect of gender on compassion and leader emergence. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings. 

    Laasch, O., Livne-Tarandach, R. Pirson, M. 2021. Responsible Management unfiltered: Bakers on a Mission to Scale open Hiring. In Laasch (Ed.) Principles of Management: Practicing Ethics, Responsibility, Sustainability. pp. 970-978. Sage: London.

    Pirson, M & Livne-Tarandach, R. 2020. Restoring Dignity with Open Hiring- Greyston Bakery and the Recognition of Value. Rutgers Business Review: Special Issue on Social Innovation. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 236-247

    Laasch, O., Livne-Tarandach, R.., Fu, P. Qu, Q,  Pirson, M. Dierksmeier, C. 2019 Humanistic Management Performativity “in the wild’: The role of performative bundles of practices. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2019(1):13357

    Kabadai S., Alkire, L. Broad G., Livne-Tarandach, R., Wasieleski, D. & Puente, A. M. 2019 Humanistic Management of Social Innovation in Service (SIS): An Interdisciplinary Framework Humanistic Management Journal.

    Livne-Tarandach R., Plews J. E. & Rabelo-Caridad V. 2018. I know exactly how you feel or do I?: Why prior experience with another’s distress reduced the quality of compassion action. Academy of Management Conference Proceedings.

    Livne-Tarandach, R., Hawbaker, B., Lahneman, B. & Jones, C. 2015. Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Opportunities for Case-based Research. Elsbach, K. and Kramer, R. (Eds.) Handbook of Qualitative Organizational Research Innovative Pathways and Methods

    Cotton, R. D., Shen Y. & Livne-Tarandach R. 2011. On becoming extraordinary: The content and structure of the developmental networks of Major League Baseball Hall of Famers. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1): 15-46.

    Jones C., Livne-Tarandach, R. & Balachandra L. 2010. Rhetoric that wins clients: Entrepreneurial firms’ use of institutional logics when competing for resources. In Sine W. & David R. J. (Eds.) Institution and Entrepreneurship: Research in the sociology of work, 21: 183-218. New Milford: Emerald Group Publishing.

    Torbert, B., Livne-Tarandach R., Herdman-Barker. E., Nicolaides, A. & McCallum, D. 2010. Developmental action inquiry: A distinct integral theory that integrates developmental theory, practice, and research in action. In S. Esbjörn-Hargens (Ed.) Integral theory in action: Applied, theoretical, and critical perspectives on the AQAL Model: 413-430. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

    Livne-Tarandach R. & Bartunek J. M. 2009. A new horizon for organizational change and development scholarship: connecting planned and emergent change. In Woodman, R., Pasmore & Shani A. B. (Eds.) Research in organizational change and development, 17: 1- 36, Bingley, UK: Emerald.

    Jones, C. & Livne-Tarandach R. 2008. Designing a frame: Rhetorical strategies of architects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29: 1075–1099.

    Erev, I. & Livne-Tarandach, R. 2005. Experiment-based exams and the
    difference between the behavioral and the natural sciences. In Zwick, R. & Rapoport, A. (Eds.). Experimental business research: Marketing, accounting and cognitive perspectives, 3: 297-308, Dordrecht: Springer.

  • Honors, Awards, and Grants

    Louis F. Capalbo Chair of Business Administration. 2023- Present

    Faculty affiliate of the Center of Positive Organizations, Ross Business School, University of Michigan. 2023 - Present

    Honorary mention 2022 from the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship, Outstanding publishes article in organization organizational scholarship competition, University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, for the paper - Livne-Tarandach, R. & Jazaieri, H. 2021. Swift Sense of Community: Resourcing Artifacts for Rapid Community Emergence in a Temporary Organization. Academy of Management Journal. 64 (4):1127- 1163.

    Associate Editor of the Business and Society Review Journal 2021 - Present

    Academy of Management Journal Editorial Board 2016 - Present

    International Humanistic Management Research Fellow 2019 - 2021

    Awarded the Manhattan College Summer Research Grant for research of the performativity of humanistic management, 2022

    Awarded the Lundquist College of Business Research Grant for research in the field of diversity, 2017

    Awarded the John and Emiko Kageyama Endowment Research Grant, 2017

    Awarded the Lundquist College of Business Summer Research Support, 2017

    Awarded the Global Oregon Collaboration Fund, 2016

    Awarded the Lundquist College of Business Summer Research Support, 2016

    Awarded the John and Emiko Kageyama Endowment Research Grant, 2016

    Awarded the John and Emiko Kageyama Endowment Research Grant, 2015

    Awarded the John and Emiko Kageyama Endowment Research Grant, 2014

    Honorable mention 2013 from the Center for Positive Organizational Scholarship,
    Michigan Ross School of Business, for the 2011 AMJ paper "On becoming
    extraordinary: The content and structure of the developmental networks of
    Major League Baseball Hall of Famers".