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Joann M. Winkler Portrait Photograph

Art and Design: Joann M Winkler

Joann M Winkler is a teacher at Prince of Peace Catholic School and a former member of the Fine Arts Department at Clinton High School, where she has served as chairman of the art department for over 30 years and has been an adjunct professor at Mt. St. Clare College in Clinton, Iowa. Joann holds a BS in Art Education from Northern Illinois University and an MA in Art Education from Northeast Missouri State University. In addition, graduate credits have been earned from Carleton College, Maryland Institute College of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Joann is a contributor to the National Vertical Team Guide for AP®Studio Art and has written numerous articles, reviews, lessons, and curricula for the College Board program.

Currently, Joann serves as a Reader or Table Leader for the AP®Art and Design exams and has held this position since 2001. She is also a consultant to the College Board*, where she conducts workshops helping art teachers establish their Advanced Placement Studio Art programs or Pre-AP®Studio Art programs. Joann has also presented various workshops on AP topics for several state and national Art Education conventions. Her consulting work has taken her throughout the United States since 2001 to locations such as Colorado, Illinois, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Vermont, Washington, and the Annual National AP Conference.

Yu Bong Ko Portrait PhotographArt History: Yu Bong Ko

Yu Bong Ko is a Lecturer in Art History at Dominican College in N.Y. Previously, he taught AP Art History for 26 years at Tappan Zee High School, his alma mater. Currently, he is a “Coach” in AP Art History for the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI), working with teachers and students from many parts of the country. As a presenter and session leader at College Board-endorsed AP Teacher Conferences and Summer Institutes since 1995, his travels have taken him to schools, colleges, and museums coast to coast, where he has worked with hundreds of outstanding and dedicated teachers. Yu Bong has scored in the AP examinations for 22 consecutive years, serving as Reader, Table Leader, and Question Leader. He is a past Co-Chair of the College Board’s AP Art History Test Development Committee and recently completed service on the Curriculum Re-Design Committee to develop the new curriculum framework. In addition, as a former College Board Advisor to AP Art History Content and Professional Development, Yu Bong has contributed to two Curriculum Modules publications for teachers on concept-mapping strategies and thematic and cross-cultural approaches to teaching AP Art History. He graduated from Brown and Columbia Universities, where he studied Painting, Art History, and Art Education.

 Phyllis Robinson Portrait PhotographBiology: Phyllis Robinson

Phyllis Robinson has taught at St. Andrew’s Episcopal School in Potomac, MD, since 1985. She is currently a College Board Endorsed Consultant, presenting one-day and week-long workshops for AP Biology. She has presented workshops sponsored by BSCS and NABT and has mentored new teachers at her school as New Teacher Coordinator. She has been a Reader for the AP Biology Exam since 2003 and has served as a Table Leader for the past five years. Phyllis earned a BA in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill and a Master’s in Life Sciences from UMD-College Park. In her free time, Phyllis is a Volunteer Ranger with the Maryland State Parks and plays ice hockey with her husband.

Calculus AB: Stephen Barbarossa

Stephen Barbarossa has been teaching AP Calculus at a Catholic high school in Washington State since 2015. He enjoys using dialogue-heavy direct instruction, visualizations, and games and activities to help students develop an understanding of and appreciation for calculus. Stephen has served as a College Board-endorsed workshop consultant for AP Calculus and AP Precalculus; mentored new and experienced AP Calculus teachers; scored operational and alternate forms of the AP Calculus AB and BC exams; and presented sessions for calculus teachers at regional mathematics conferences.

Greg Timm Portrait PhotographCalculus AB: Greg Timm

Greg Timm has taught mathematics at Roland Park Country School in Baltimore, Maryland, for 37 years. He has a B.A. in mathematics from Ithaca College and an M.E. D. in mathematics education from the University of Maryland. He has taught Advanced Placement Calculus for over 30 years and has been an AP Reader and Table Leader for 22 years. He has been an AP Calculus consultant since 2005. He also has taught AP Statistics at Roland Park and a Teaching Advanced Placement Calculus seminar at Towson University. He lives with his wife, Pat, in Ellicott City, Maryland, and has two grown children, Emily in Austin, Texas, and Zachary in Brooklyn, New York. He enjoys Baltimore Orioles baseball and all kinds of musical performances.

Mark Howell Portrait PhotographCalculus BC: Mark Howell

Mark Howell teaches AP Calculus at his alma mater, Gonzaga High School, a Jesuit boys’ school in Washington, DC. He graduated from the University of Chicago (AB in Mathematics in 1976 and a Master of Arts in Teaching in 1981). During his 40+ year career at Gonzaga, he has taught math classes from Algebra through AP Calculus, as well as AP Computer Science. He authored many articles and activities involving the use of hand-held technology in the classroom and has spoken about it at conferences all around the world. He served as an advisor to both Hewlett Packard and Texas Instruments during the development of new handheld technology for mathematics education. Mark began working at the AP Calculus reading in 1989 and has served for 25 years as a Reader, Table Leader, Question Leader, and Exam Leader. He served on the AP Calculus Development Committee from 1997-2000. Mark is a co-author of “Be Prepared for the AP Calculus Exam” (Skylight Publishing), as well as articles in the College Board's Special Focus series. He has led dozens of AP Calculus summer institutes and workshops both in the United States and overseas and is a 2017 Presidential Awardee for the District of Columbia.

Chemistry: Fred Vital

Fred has been a teacher in Chemistry since 1999 and has taught at Darien High School, Darien, CT – 11 years, Ludlowe High School, Fairfield, CT – 13 years, and Stamford, CT – 2 years. He holds Master’s degrees from Columbia University in Biochemistry and Science Education. His commitment to Advanced Placement has included Attendance at AP Reading sessions as Reader, Question Leader, and Table Leader – since 2006; Test development Committee member – for five years; APAC Steering Committee member – for two years, and APSI instructor since 2008; and Pre- -AP Chemistry course development team. Fred was the 2010 NEIC Connecticut Secondary School Chemistry Teacher of the Year and was voted Inspirational Teacher of the Year by students in 2017 and 2023.

 Marvin Hoeffert Portrait PhotographComputer Science A & Computer Science Principles: Marvin Hoffert

After working as a Software Engineer for nearly two decades, Mel transitioned to a teaching career in the late 90s. His (Randy) Pausch-oriented approach to secondary education focuses on 3D modeling and animation, virtual reality, and College Board initiatives (AP Computer Science A and Principles Table Leader, AP Computer Science A and Principles Consultant).

Computer Science A: Kymberly Ayodeji

A graduate of DS4A/ Empowerment and the Anaplan for All program. She loves solving problems by utilizing the communication, analytical, and organizational skills she has honed through her years of experience as a secondary and post-secondary educator, conference presenter, workshop trainer, and leader in international and national settings. A native of South Florida and a world traveler who has visited over 20 countries, Kymberly loves meeting new people and learning about different languages, cultures, and experiences.

 Daniel O Rourke Portait PhotographEnglish Language and Composition: Daniel O’Rourke

Dan earned his BA and MA degrees in English Literature at Villanova University, and over the course of his 32-year career, he has taught a wide variety of English courses at four very different high schools in and around his hometown, Chicago. He currently teaches the AP English Language & Composition class at Riverside Brookfield High School, where he’s taught for the last 19 years. Dan has been a National Board-Certified Teacher since 2010 and a consultant for College Board since 2016 and loves sharing ideas with and learning from his colleagues involved in education. This past year he has started working as an AP English Language Mentor for the College Board as well. Playing various roles (i.e. Reader, Table Leader and Question Leader) at the AP Reading since 2003 and participating on the College Board’s AP English Language Instructional Design Team (mapping out the new Course and Exam Description and online resources) has provided Dan with valuable insights into assessing and teaching student reading and writing. Dan’s academic work has been published by Bedford, Freeman, and Worth in the Teacher’s Edition of The Language of Composition, 3rd Edition (2018). In addition, Dan regularly presents at state and national conferences and webinars--most recently Marco Learning’s November 2020 Pop-Up PD session, “Teaching for Transfer,” and the 2019 College Board National Forum in Washington, DC.

 Nichole Wilson Portrait PhotographEnglish Literature and Composition: Nichole Wilson

Nichole Wilson has taught Advanced Placement English Literature and English 4 at William Mason High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, for 22 years. She is the Grade 12 ELA Team Leader at Mason, a Teacher Leader Liaison/Ambassador for the state of Ohio, and a co-chair for the Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit (2021, 2022).

She is an AP English Literature Consultant, Mentor, Exam Reader, and Exam Table Leader. She has spoken about best practices at several conferences, including the Advanced Placement Annual Conference (2017, 2018, 2019), the College Board's National Forum (2013, 2015, 2017), the Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit (2020, 2021), and NCTE (2021). She will be presenting at NCTE 2022.

Additionally, she was an organizer and speaker for Mosaic 2020 and Mosaic 2021, the unofficial AP English Literature & Language Conference. Nichole has also reviewed and contributed to several literature textbooks, including the third edition of the Bedford Literature and Composition Teacher Edition (2022).

Through the J. William Fulbright program, Nichole taught Literature, Language, and Media Studies at East Norfolk Sixth Form College in England. She worked as a journalist for a daily newspaper and as a Public Relations Director and adjunct instructor at the university level.

Environmental Science: Ricardo Viteri

Ricardo Viteri obtained a BA in Biology from New Jersey City University in 2004. He continued his collegiate education at Seton Hall University and obtained an MA in Secondary Education in 2006. Ricardo has taught numerous life science courses throughout his 20-year teaching career and has now completed his 12th year instructing the A.P. Environmental Science course.  Ricardo has been an official College Board reader for the past 10 years and served as the College Board Advisor for the A.P. Environmental Science Committee from 2016 to 2020. Currently, Ricardo travels during the summer instructing A.P. Summer Institutes and continues to write questions for the College Board to review for the A.P. Environmental Science course. Ricardo was awarded multiple grants throughout his career. Ricardo has extensive experience in providing professional development for new and experienced teachers and enjoys seeing instructors succeed in the classroom.

Katie Landsea Portrait PhotographEuropean History: Katie Landsea

Katie Landsea has taught AP European History at Coral Gables Senior High for twenty years in Miami, Florida. She serves as the AP European History trainer for Miami-Dade County Public Schools' Division of Advanced Academics and as a mentor for new teachers throughout the district. She has served at the AP European History Reading for the past fifteen years as a reader, table leader, and question leader for short-answer, long-essay, and document-based questions. For the past two years, she has served as an Exam Leader, overseeing different document-based questions. She delivered AP Live lessons during the pandemic in 2020 and AP Live review sessions for the College Board and was the lead teacher for the AP Daily videos available to teachers on AP Classroom. In addition, Katie has written curriculum and test items for McGraw-Hill and most recently worked on reorganizing the Spielvogel test bank and Fast Track to a Five review book to align with the current course and exam description for AP European History.

Jim Kirkcaldly Portrait PhotographEuropean History: Jim Kirkcaldy

Jim Kirkcaldy teaches AP European History in Hingham, Massachusetts. Jim has been an active AP workshop leader throughout the U.S. and Canada. He has taught AP European history for over 40 years and has been a reader and table leader for most of those years. He also has presented at numerous AP National conferences. He has published numerous articles on European History. He has offered specialized AP European History workshops on intellectual movements, diplomatic history, and the integration of the arts into AP European History.

Deanna Scheffer Portrait PhotographFrench Language and Culture: Deanna Scheffer

Deanna Scheffer teaches all levels of French in St. Augustine, FL. Her school is an AP/IB school, and she prepares her students for both exams. She is used to having combo-level courses. She has been involved in AP French Language and Culture Leadership and is the current AP Daily Live Lead. She also serves on the College Board Instructional Design Committee. She served on the College Board World Language Commission to create the AP French Language and Culture Curriculum Framework, as well as on The College Board Best Practices in College Courses Committee, The College Board Exam Form Committee, and The College Board Curriculum Design and Assessment Committee. She served two terms as the CBA liaison between The College Board and ETS while on the AP French Language and Culture Test Development Committee. She has been awarded AATF Chapter President of the Year, Florida French Teacher of the Year, and FLENEF Teacher of the Year. She is also a Chevalier in the Palmes Académiques.

Katrina Griffin Portrait PhotographGerman Language and Culture: Katrina Griffin

Katrina is the 2017 ACTFL Teacher of the Year. As a nationally recognized leader in her field, she is a prolific presenter on topics such as student engagement and STEM and is passionate about creating interdisciplinary connections for students. She is a former ACTFL elected board member and former Treasurer for the American Association of Teachers of German. Katrina works for the College Board as an AP German Consultant, the facilitator of the AP German Community, and a Reader/Table Leader during exam scoring. She is the World and Classical Languages department chair at North County HS in Glen Burnie, Maryland. Katrina earned a Master’s in German at Middlebury College in 2007 and a B.A. degree in International Politics and German at Penn State University in 1999.

Celeste Reynolds Portrait PhotographHuman Geography: Celeste Reynolds

Celeste Reynolds has been teaching at Mashpee Middle High School for twenty-one years and has been teaching Advanced Placement Human Geography for the past thirteen years. She also teaches Women's Studies, World History, and Current Events and is the coordinator for Senior Seminar. Celeste is also an Advanced Placement reader for the College Board, a member of the steering committee of TeachOSM, on the Teacher Advisory Board for the American Geographical Society, and serves on the Board of Directors for the National Geographic Education Council. She is passionate about geography education.

Ida Giampietro Wilder Potrait PhotographItalian Language and Culture: Ida Giampietro Wilder

Ida Giampietro Wilder is a teacher of Italian at Greece Athena High School in Rochester, NY (38th year), having taught Italian and the Foreign Language Methods course at Nazareth College of Rochester for 14 years. Also, she teaches Italian at SUNY Brockport and Rochester Institute of Technology. In addition, she was a consultant and writer for Regents exams for the NY State Education Department; co-chair for the ACTFL National Standards for Italian; presenter throughout the country on teaching strategies; organizer of yearly trips or exchanges to Italy, writer of curriculum guides levels 1- AP® for Greece Central School District, various articles on the study of Italian, “Seguimi,” a communicative workbook and reviewed textbook for several publishers. She was a member of the Italian AP® Task Force; development committee; reader; table and question leader, and currently a College Board Consultant and teacher of the Italian AP® Summer Institute at various colleges. 2016 recipient of the President Award from NYSAFLT.

Theresa Fischer Portrait PhotographMacroeconomics: Theresa Fischer

Theresa Fischer is an adjunct professor at Fordham University and Iona University, teaching the Intro classes of Micro and Macro Economics.

She has been a Macro/Micro teacher at Ridgefield High School in Ridgefield, CT, for several years and has developed the AP Economics program at the school. She has participated in Euro Challenge and Fed Challenge, successfully winning several years.

Fischer has been a grader of AP Economics since 2000 and has served as a Table Leader for the last eight years. She has served on the Development Committee, which writes the exams for the AP Economics course and was also on the team creating the CED for teachers in Macroeconomics.

David Mayer Portrait PhotographMacroeconomics: David Mayer

Mayer has been working with students and teachers of AP Macroeconomics for the last eighteen years and with guiding principles to keep the subject fresh, interesting, and applicable to our daily lives. That is no small order considering the subject matter. He has written some books on the subject, scored the exam, and conducted in-person and virtual professional development around the USA and China.

Music Theory: Terry Eder

Terry Eder is a retired choral conductor and music teacher with over 40 years of experience at the university and secondary levels. He remains active as a teacher and currently teaches AP music theory at Lovejoy High School in Lucas, Texas.  He is a College Board Consultant and has presented at many AP summer institutes and one and two-day workshops. He has served as a reader and question leader in the reading of the AP Music Theory exam for the past seventeen summers. He has also developed a one-day workshop on vertical teams in music theory for the College Board, has written an article on strategies for dealing with the sight-singing portion of the AP exam, and has presented an online professional development session entitled, “Sight Singing and Its Influence on Melodic and Harmonic Dictation.” He is the past co-chair of the College Board AP Music Theory development committee and served as a member of the Music Writing Team for the 2014 National Standards in the Arts.  Before he retired from full-time teaching, he was named Plano Senior High School Teacher of the Year.  He is also the primary author, along with Akira Sato, of the AP Instructor’s Manual, published in 2018 to accompany the third edition of The Musician’s Guide by W. W. Norton. He is currently revising and updating the manual for the upcoming fourth edition. 

Barry Panas Portrait PhotographPhysics I & II: Barry Panas 

Barry Panas is a high school physics teacher at St. John’s-Ravenscourt School in Winnipeg, Canada, where he teaches both AP Physics 1 and AP Physics 2. His teaching is not limited to the classroom, as he has performed physics demonstrations on live television and online via his YouTube channel, “The Physics Dojo.” He has graded AP Physics exams numerous times as both a reader and as a table leader and has presented numerous AP Physics APSIs across the US, Canada, and overseas. He is the author of Strive for a 5 – Preparing for the AP® Physics 1 Examination and one of the authors of the Teacher’s Edition of College Physics for the AP® Physics 1 Course, 2nd edition.

Jessica Fitter Portrait PhotographPsychology: Jessica Flitter

Jessica Flitter, MA, teaches AP® Psychology at West Bend East High School in West Bend, Wisconsin. She has taught the course since 2004 and has participated in the AP® Reading since 2014 as a Reader, Table Leader, Rubric Master, and Question Leader. Ms. Flitter was awarded the 2015 APA TOPSS Charles T. Blair-Broeker Excellence in Teaching Award for exemplary teaching, the advancement of psychology, and commitment to excellence. She has presented at regional and national conferences for AP Psychology teachers. Jessica Flitter is also the co-author of two editions of the review book AP Psychology All Access with Nancy Fenton. She has served on the high school educator content advisory board for the 3rd edition of the Myers-DeWall AP Psychology textbook, worked on several AP Psychology assessment banks, contributed to the iScore5™ Psych app, and writes for Books for Psychology Class, a blog that summarizes psychology-related books and provides class activities for teachers and students. She earned her BA in Psychology and Broad Field Social Studies at St. Norbert College and a MA in Quality Curriculum and Instruction at Marian University. She enjoys working with teachers to increase student interest and success in AP Psychology. Jessica’s passion is all things psychology. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and pug named Sigmund.

Psychology: Jennifer Schlicht

Jen Schlicht teaches Intro to Psychology, AP Psychology, and Dual Enrollment Psychology at Olathe South High School in Kansas City. Jen served as both Member-at-Large and Chair of the TOPSS Committee which represents high school psychology teachers within the American Psychological Association. During the Covid shutdowns, Jen co-hosted several “Tea with TOPSS” sessions where she interviewed well-known psychologists, including Dr. Elizabeth Loftus and Dr. Philip Zimbardo, via Zoom, incorporating participant questions.  At the AP reading, Jen has served as a reader, early table leader, and most recently as a question leader.
Jen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Secondary Social Studies Education and a Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Kansas. 

Yensen Lambert Portrait PhotographSpanish Language and Culture: Yensen Lambert

Yensen Sierra Lambert has been involved with the AP Spanish Language and Culture program for ten years. Her experience ranges from teaching at the middle and high school level to participating in the annual AP Reading as a Table Leader to co-authoring an AP Spanish textbook. Her objectives as an educator have been to help students complete the AP exam successfully, to prepare them for the world beyond AP, and to foster enthusiastic interest and love of the Spanish language. Recently, she was named Connecticut's Language Teacher of the Year. She lives with her teenage son in Connecticut, where she teaches AP Spanish Language and Culture and chairs a world languages department at a private school.

Spanish Literature and Culture: Maritza Sloan

Maritza Sloan received a B.A. degree in Spanish from Oklahoma State University, an M.A. in Education from Hamline University in Minnesota, and an Ed.D. in Social Justice from the University of Missouri – Saint Louis. In addition to her degrees, she has studied Spanish literature at the University of Salamanca and Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

This is her ninth year of teaching Spanish at Ladue Horton Watkins High School in Saint Louis, Missouri. Before Missouri, Maritza taught for 15 years at Plano Independent School District in Texas, where she started the AP Spanish Literature curriculum for the district.

Maritza is a College Board AP consultant for Spanish Language and Culture and Spanish Literature and Culture. She has presented many Spanish Language and Literature workshops and sessions at AATSP, APAC, MFLA, SWCLT, CSCTFL, and ACTFL. Maritza is the Past President of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese, AATSP, and served as the Secondary Education member and then Co-Chair of the Curriculum Development Committee for AP Spanish Language and Culture from July 2012 till June 2019. She is a Co-Author of EntreCulturas 1, a Spanish textbook. In 2012, she was named Texas Foreign Language Teacher of the Year.

Spanish Literature and Culture: Maria Perez-Bernardo

Dr. Marisa Pérez-Bernardo is an Associate Professor at the University of Dallas. Professor Pérez-Bernardo received her Ph.D. in Spanish from the Catholic University of America, Washington D.C. She holds an A.B.D. in English Philology from University of Valladolid, an M.A. in Specialized Translation from the University of Cordoba, an M.A. in Spanish Language and Culture from University of Salamanca, an M.A. in Spanish and TESOL from West Virginia University, a B.A. in English Philology from University of Valladolid, and a Certificate in Translation from University of California San Diego. Pérez-Bernardo is a consultant for the College Board in Pre-AP World Languages and Cultures, AP Spanish Language, and AP Spanish Literature. She is also a Spanish Language and Culture reviewer for the AP Course Audit. She provides AP Spanish teachers and administrators with clear AP curricular and resource guidelines and determines if syllabi submitted by teachers meet all curricular requirements as established by the AP program. Marisa also served as an expert advisor for the Texas State Board of Education in its development and reviewed the Languages Other Than English (LOTE) curriculum during the academic year 2013-2014. Pérez-Bernardo serves on the Fulbright National Screening Committee for English Language Teaching Assistantships in Mexico. 

Steve Willott Portrait PhotographStatistics: Steven Willott

Steve Willott began teaching statistics in the 2003-04 school year and taught AP Statistics for 18 years before retiring at the end of the 2021-2022 school year. He taught middle and high school for 30 years and, during that part of his career, taught nearly every math course from 6th grade through AP Calculus BC. Steve has been an adjunct instructor in math at St. Charles Community College in Cottleville, MO, since the fall 2000 semester and was an adjunct in the School of Education at Lindenwood University in St. Charles, MO, for ten semesters, where he taught the Methods of Teaching Secondary Mathematics course. Steve served on various committees in the Francis Howell School District, most notably writing curriculum for several math courses during his 28 years there. He achieved National Board Certification in 2003. He was named the Francis Howell School District Teacher of the Year in 2007 and received the 2009 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. Steve has presented at numerous workshops and conferences at the district, local, state, regional, and national levels. Steve attended Truman State University in Kirksville, MO, earning his B.A. in Mathematics and M.A. in Education.

Christopher Lundgren Portrait PhotographU.S. Government: Christopher Lundgren

Christopher Lundgren is the Social Science Dept. Chair and AP U.S. Government & Politics and Economics teacher at KIPP Nashville Collegiate High School. A classroom teacher for 16 years, including six with APGov, Christopher has taught five different AP courses and history-focused resource classes for students who need additional support. He taught for eight years at private schools and is completing his eighth year at Collegiate, a charter school whose mission is to create a path to college for Nashville’s students of color.

Christopher has served the College Board as an APGov Mentor and Consultant and as an exam reader since 2018. In 2020, he was part of a two-person team that wrote daily APGov lesson plans for the KIPP Foundation’s AP for All initiative, which KIPP teachers use throughout the country. The following year, he revised those lessons to reflect best practices for culturally responsive teaching of the APGov curriculum. In addition, Christopher trained KIPP APGov teachers from across the country in effective virtual instruction during online learning and serves as an instructional coach at Collegiate, helping social science teachers improve classroom management and their student’s academic achievement. He has written assessment materials for several social science courses, including APGov, for, a test-practice website.

In addition to academic instruction, Christopher is the Youth in Government advisor, Girls’ Soccer coach for KIPP Collegiate, and an instructor of Shotokan Karate. He serves on the board of the Tennessee Environmental Council. He holds a B.A. in Biology from the University of Chicago and master’s degrees in religion and history from Yale and the University of Virginia, respectively. 

Maria Schmidt Portrait PhotographU.S. Government: Dr. Maria Schmidt

Dr. Maria Schmidt was the Supervisor of Social Studies K-12 for the Westfield Public Schools in Westfield, N.J. She taught social studies at Westfield High School, authored the curriculum, and initiated and taught the law-related education courses and the AP United States Government and Politics course there. She is an attorney, former adjunct professor of education at Seton Hall University, a former NJ State Bar Foundation trustee, and a member of its Law-Related Education Committee.

Dr. Schmidt has served as a Reader, Table Leader, and Question Leader at the annual scoring of the AP US Government and Politics examination and currently serves as a consultant for the College Board, leading AP workshops and summer institutes throughout the United States. She has authored teacher’s guides for teaching the AP US Government and Politics course. She has reviewed and edited AP US Government and Politics test preparation materials for various publishers. Over the past several years, she has worked with college textbook publishers in developing AP US Government and Politics teaching ancillaries for use with their U. S. Government and Politics textbooks.

Scott Horton Portrait PhotographU.S. History: Scott Horton 

Scott Horton has been a Williamsville South High School social studies teacher since 1994. He began teaching Advanced Placement American History in 1998 and has been a reader of the U.S. history exam since 2003 and a table leader since 2015. In addition, Mr. Horton has taught survey-level American history courses in the history department at Buffalo State College since 2001. He has served in various roles in Williamsville, including assistant coach for the varsity ice hockey team, First Vice President for the Williamsville Teachers Association, and advisor to clubs, including Guitar Club, Model U.N., and Chess Club. 

Kit Wainer Portrait PhotographWorld History: Kit Wainer

Kit Wainer teaches Advanced Placement World History at Leon M. Goldstein High School in Brooklyn, NY. He has been a teacher for more than thirty years and has taught AP History courses for 19 years. Kit is a Table Leader at the AP® Exam Reading. He is the author of Strive for a Five: Preparing for the AP® World History Exam (2019), a contributing author to Strayer and Nelson’s Ways of the World, 4th edition (2019), and several articles on content and pedagogy for World History Connected and the Bulletin of World History. Kit also works as a mentor for new teachers and teachers who are new to AP World History.