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Campus Safety

Manhattan University’s campus is secured 24 hours a day, seven days a week by our dedicated Public Safety officers.

Safety, Health & Wellness

Here at Manhattan University, you'll have everything you need to live well, live safely and live healthfully. Watch this video to find out more.

We employ more than 50 officers who patrol campus on foot and by vehicle, so you can be sure that immediate assistance is available if needed. The Public Safety Department also works closely with the local police precinct, fire department and emergency medical responders.

The Public Safety Department assists with:

  • Investigating safety and security hazards or unusual incidents
  • Early-warning text and email alerts about local crime and security threats
  • Health emergencies/first aid/CPR and AED response
  • Fire safety and evacuation

Safety and Security Systems

Around campus, you’ll see a number of safety and security systems in place that can be used in the event of an emergency. These include:

  • Emergency Blue-Light Systems - There are emergency call boxes indicated by a blue light in several locations around campus including the Broadway Parking facility and campus pathways between buildings. Pressing the call button opens immediate communication with Public Safety officers.
  • Closed-Circuit Television Systems (CCTV) - There are a number of CCTVs placed strategically throughout facilities to deter criminal activity and document events for recall.
  • Automated External Defibrillators (AED) - These devices are used to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest and can be found in various locations around campus.

Emergency Alerts

The Public Safety Department uses an emergency messaging system that sends text message and email alerts to ensure that everyone is notified quickly in the event of an emergency. Students can register up to two cell phone numbers and two email addresses. This system is only used in situations that may pose a threat to your safety and/or weather-related events that may interrupt scheduled classes or activities.

Sexual Violence Prevention

We have a culture of zero tolerance for any form of sexual misconduct on campus. All incoming freshman go through an orientation session where the dean of students discusses the New York State laws about consent and sexual violence. Faculty and staff go through extensive training about preventing sexual harassment and assault. And our Green Dot program focuses on making our campus safer by empowering bystanders to become active members in reducing power-based personal violence (sexual assault, partner violence and stalking).

More Information

Visit the Inside Manhattan website for more details about campus safety and security systems. Public Safety officers are available 24/7 by calling 718-862-7500 for non-emergencies or 718-862-7333 for emergencies.

Public Safety Website