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Center for Ethics

Our mission is to provide a contemporary, person-centered educational experience that prepares graduates for lives of personal development, professional success, civic engagement, and service to their fellow human beings.

We promote engagement with the complexities of ethical life by encouraging dialog between theorists and practitioners, the Manhattan University community and surrounding communities. In addition to fostering an awareness of ethics across the University curriculum, we:

  • Assist faculty in incorporating ethical concerns more fully into their teaching
  • Support the development of specialized courses that focus on ethical issues in different disciplines
  • Help to place students in internships related to professional ethics
  • Organize conferences and colloquia on topics and issues related to ethics, values, and social justice
  • Supply resources to assist professionals in public and private sectors, giving special attention to the needs of alumnae and alumni
  • Invite speakers with practical experience to campus to address ethical issues in the professions
  • Provide resources to assist faculty with projects related to ethics
  • Coordinate discussion groups to address specific ethical issues

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