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About Us

In the Computer Science department you will learn how to design algorithms, utilize them in software with the most popular programming languages, and explore how computer science solutions are used in various applicational areas. You will hear lectures on theoretical foundations, working in the computer labs under supervision and guidance of faculty with hands-on learning through software design projects and an engaging senior capstone design. You will be able to choose applicational topics that are especially interesting for you from a variety of elective courses offered by the Department. You will also be able to work on a research project in one of the cutting-edge computing areas under faculty guidance.

Our expert faculty are highly committed to their roles as educators and researchers. They are widely published and active in professional associations such as the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). They advocate for their students and help them gain practical experience. As a computer science major, you will be encouraged to participate in programming contests such as the ACM International Collegiate programming contest and the Google Summer of Code.

We also offer several summer research programs on campus where you will have the opportunity to work with a faculty member, publish your findings, and attend conferences.

Majors & Programs

  • Computer Science

    Our B.S. program is ABET accredited, and aligns with students who want to follow the School of Science core curriculum. Our B.A. program has a softer science component, and allows students to take more Liberal Arts courses.
  • Game Design and Production

    Game design and production explores gaming history and cultures while teaching critical skills to work in this growing industry. This interdisciplinary program offers a major with three concentrations: coding, design, and narrative. Game design is also offered as a minor.
  • Computer Science - M.S.

    The Manhattan University graduate program in computer science is designed to develop the in-demand technical skills needed to achieve leadership positions in industry, business, government, or related fields. 

  • Computer Science 5-Year Program

    All students who got their bachelor’s degree in computer science from Manhattan University can and are encouraged to stay for yet another year in the school and get a master’s degree in computer science. While a graduate program consists of 30 credits, those who got their bachelor degrees in computer science from Manhattan University need to take only 24 credits, that is 8 courses, because they can use 6 credits from their bachelor's degree towards their master’s degree.