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School of Engineering

Building the Foundation

For more than a century, Manhattan University’s engineers have dreamed up, designed and built New York City’s greatest structures and systems. All Jasper engineers begin with the basics and progress through a varied and advanced engineering curriculum by solving real problems in the labs using professional equipment and technology. Rooted in a liberal arts foundation, the School of Engineering provides an education that is both powerful and human.

A 21st Century Education

Opened in 2021, the new Higgins Engineering and Science Center provides state-of-the-art facilities for teaching and research. Learn more about this exciting campus addition.

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Changing the World

Engineering is a hands-on discipline, and career preparation begins freshman year. As Lasallians, our students use their skills to help others by designing sustainable energy solutions and creating water filtration systems for developing nations. They build devices that improve the quality of life for the elderly and reconstruct communities after natural disasters. They engineer the future by giving back to humanity and the earth we inhabit.