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Caribbean (Summer)


For more than 20 years, researchers have studied the behavioral ecology of spotted and bottlenose dolphins in the Bahamas. The Bahamian dolphin populations are very acclimated to human beings, allowing for the unique opportunity to observe these animals in their natural environment. This program offers students the opportunity to learn about sensory systems while actively being involved with research studying the behavior and communication of dolphins.

Dates Offered

This is two-week summer travel program with a pre-departure workshop on Manhattan University’s campus.

  • Tentative dates for Summer 2023: June 4-15, 2023

Courses & Credits

This program is open to all majors. Psychology students may earn credit for a required course in the biological content areas. All other majors may take this course as an elective.

  • PSYC 467: Sensation and Perception or EVST 400: Field Project in Environmental Studies (3 credits)


Participants on this program will travel with a group of Manhattan University students and will be led by an MC faculty member. Tuition, excursions and cultural visits, round-trip flights out of New York City, housing in shared rooms for the duration of the program, some meals, and international health insurance are included in the program fee.