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First Year Programs

The first year of university life is key to a successful transition from high school. We want to make sure it’s a successful one! Our first-year programs are designed to strengthen students’ ability to connect with the Jasper community with a focus on teaching strategies to enhance their academic skills.

Opening Weekend - August 23-25, 2024

Two days of networking, information and fun as we welcome new students and their families to the campus. We want to get you familiar with all that Manhattan offers and help you feel comfortable in the place you’ll call home for the next four years. On Friday the 23rd, the weekend commences in a special Convocation ceremony in the beautiful Chapel of DeLaSalle, where we come to celebrate new students' entry into higher education and to officially welcome new students to the Manhattan community.

First Year Seminars

Each school or program defines First Year Seminars (FYS) that are central to the first year experience. Its purpose is to extend orientation through the first semester to provide ongoing information, community, and support for all first-year students, and continue first-year programming throughout the entire first year. 

Over the course of the first-year seminar and related programming, students will be able to:

  • Build effective relationships with peers and faculty to engage in the learning community.
  • Learn how to connect with resources at the University to further their university experience.
  • Reflect and make connections between course material and interests, values, and goals.
  • Understand relevant academic language, norms, and University academic policies, including academic integrity.
  • Develop successful academic success strategies: motivation, resiliency, note taking, time management, study skills, ethical decision-making. 

Each of the undergraduate schools incorporate the first-year seminar student outcomes through curricular and co-curricular experiences in ways specific to the school.

New Student Retreat

Campus Ministry & Social Action (CMSA) offers many retreat opportunities throughout the year that provide quiet space for self-reflection and faith discovery. The New Students Retreat is a wonderful opportunity to connect with classmates in a relaxed setting and through meaningful discussions.  You will learn about our Catholic Lasallian heritage and values, and the potential they offer to enrich your university life, in and out of the classroom. Students of all faith traditions (or none) are welcome. Students will stay overnight in a beautiful country setting in upstate NY that offers a restful and peaceful break from the busy campus environment. Student retreat leaders will talk about their own journeys, and share personal reflections about how the Lasallian values have shaped and influenced their university experience.  This is a special time to think about the transition to university life and how to make the best of the opportunities  that Manhattan offers.

Family Weekend

Family Weekend is a great time for students and their families to get together. From family-friendly shows to home athletic events, the weekend is packed with fun activities for all.  2024 dates will be announced soon.