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Private Grant Resources For Faculty and Administrators

Manhattan University is a tax-exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Office of Institutional Giving & Special Programs cultivates relationships with companies and private foundations to secure grants for institutional priorities. 

Faculty members and administrators interested in applying for grants from corporations and private foundations must work with the Office of Institutional Giving & Special Programs. Individuals interested in government grants and sponsored research opportunities should contact and work with the Office of Grants Administration.

What We Do

  • Share funding opportunities and requests for proposals as identified
  • Research corporations and foundations that have funding interests relevant to your project or program and that accept grant solicitations
  • Partner with faculty members and administrators to write and complete letters of inquiry, applications, proposals and reports
  • Collect and provide institutional policies, information and statistics that are commonly requested in grant proposals
  • Steward relationships with donor and prospect organizations

Private Grant Resources

  • The Philanthropy News Digest publishes requests for proposals and funding opportunities with upcoming deadlines. If you find a potential opportunity for your initiative, please contact the Office of Institutional Giving & Special Programs to get started.
  • Below is a list of information that is commonly required in grant proposals to help you prepare for requesting funding support.
    • Department’s mission and history
    • Summary of the program/project
    • History of the program/project
    • Leadership, stakeholders and partners involved in the program/project
    • Needs that the program/project address
    • A detailed plan, including measurable goals and objectives, expected outcomes, evaluation methods, timeline and budget
    • Other information that the Office of Institutional Giving & Special Program can provide include but are not limited to: W-9 form; 501(c)(3) certification; audited financial statements; institutional giving history; institutional budget; institutional policies and statistics; institutional leadership; rankings and ratings; and bank information

Contact Information

Stephen White
Assistant Vice President for University Advancement
(718) 862-7548