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De La Salle Medal Dinner

Honoring a visionary leader, De La Salle Medal Dinner raises record-breaking $3.6 million for student aid.

Mike WirthPraising his achievements as an “agent of change,” Manhattan University honored Michael Wirth, chairman and CEO of Chevron Corporation, at its 2023 De La Salle Medal Dinner, which raised a record-breaking $3.6 million to assist today’s young Jaspers.

Held at The Plaza New York on Thursday, April 20, it was the most successful dinner in the event’s long history. Established in 1951 and held annually since 1977, the occasion is Manhattan’s premiere fundraising event, generating support for scholarships and other forms of student aid. 

Stephen J. Squeri ’81, ’86 (MBA), chair and CEO of American Express and chair of the University’s Board of Trustees, served as the dinner chair. Squeri received the 2017 De La Salle Medal. Mary Beth McDade ’93, an Emmy Award-winning anchor at KTLA 5 News in Los Angeles, emceed the event for the third consecutive year. 

Thomas Mauriello, vice president for college advancement, thanked the guests for their support. “We are deeply grateful to all the loyal alumni and friends who have graciously taken part in this celebration of Lasallian Catholic values — and the visionary example set by Mike Wirth,” Mauriello said.

Brother Daniel Gardner, FSC, the University’s former president, joined Squeri and Thomas O’Malley ’63 — a 1994 medal recipient, previous board chair and Squeri’s fellow dinner chair — in presenting the medal. Expressing gratitude, Wirth said, “This is not my honor alone, but one I share with Chevron and its legacy companies,” including Gulf Oil and Texaco. He also spoke of “the ties that bind” Manhattan and Chevron: “a shared purpose to enable human progress and to make the world better for all.” 

Praising the honoree’s integrity and vision, Brother Daniel likened Wirth’s management style to that of Christian Brothers’ founder Saint John Baptist de La Salle. “It was only through bold, decisive courage that De La Salle stood up to the government, the Church and even some of his own followers at times,” he said. “Mike Wirth is that same kind of bold, decisive, courageous leader.”

Under Wirth’s leadership, he said, Chevron promotes transformative humanitarian initiatives — for example, aiding communities that experience natural disasters; funding nonprofit and social investment organizations in Asia; and supporting educational programs in the sciences, technology and mathematics (STEM).

In addition to its record-breaking success, Brother Daniel added, this year’s dinner coincided with several other University milestones, including its 170th anniversary, the centennial of the Riverdale campus, and 50 years of Title IX and co-education. “What a way to celebrate!” he said.


Michael Wirth
Chairman and CEO
Chevron Corporation


Stephen J. Squeri ’81, ’86 (MBA) 
Chairman and CEO
American Express Company

Thomas D. O’Malley ’63
Former Chairman
Manhattan University Board of Trustees

Vice Chairs

Kenneth N. Bouyer ’90
Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting
EY Americas

John M. Desmarais ’85, J.D.
Founding Partner
Desmarais LLP 

Cyrus J. Izzo ’87, P.E.
Syska Hennessy Group

Noreen Krall ’87, J.D.
Retired Vice President and Chief
Litigation Counsel
Apple Inc.

Thomas P. Kuster ’86
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
Merit SI

Charles Manning ’73
Managing Director
Global Infrastructure Solutions Inc.

Lynn Martin ’98
New York Stock Exchange

Thomas J. Meloro ’86, J.D.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Kenneth A. Rathgeber ’70
Former Chairman
Manhattan University Board of Trustees

Milo Riverso ’81, Ph.D., P.E.
Manhattan University

Thomas Z. Scarangello ’79, P.E.
Executive Chairman
Thornton Tomasetti

Michael J. Squarzini ’92, P.E., LEED AP
Co-Chief Executive Officer
Thornton Tomasetti 

Albert J. Williams
Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Chevron Corporation

Thomas J. Yurcisin ’97
Ernst & Young 

Curt C. Zegler ’93
Vice President
Turner Construction Company

Donor List