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Residence Life Programs

We offer programs and leadership opportunities to ensure that you get the most out of living on campus — from exploring New York City with your floormates to making your voice heard by serving on a committee, there are many ways you can dive into your new home away from home.

 Here's how to get involved:

  • Spend Saturdays in the City

    Each weekend throughout the school year, Manhattan University RAs lead Saturdays in the City, fun trips to landmarks, museums, festivals, arts and cultural events, and different neighborhoods in New York City. It’s a great way to experience the one-of-a-kind culture of the city and meet other students who live on campus. Participants typically gather at a central meeting point on campus and take the subway together. Past trips have included:

    • Times Square
    • Central Park
    • Bryant Park
    • Arthur Avenue
    • Wave Hill
    • The High Line
    • The Empire State Building
    • The Metropolitan Museum of Art
    • The Bronx Zoo
    • The American Museum of Natural History
    • Brooklyn Brewery (for 21+ students)
  • Join a Committee

    Food Service Committee: You are what you eat, so have a say in it! As a member of the Food Service Committee, you work with Aramark Dining Services, administration and other students to influence decisions on nutrition, food quality, menu selection and service. Drop by one of the regularly scheduled Food Service Committee meetings, which typically take place in the dining halls during lunch, to ask a question or share a concern.

    Campus Safety Committee: You also have a voice when it comes to security. The Campus Safety Committee offers you the opportunity to meet and work with administrators from the campus Public Safety office to discuss environmental, health and safety issues.

  • Become a Student Staff Member

    Resident Assistants (RAs) are undergraduate students who live and work in Manhattan University’s residence halls. RAs are assigned to a particular wing or floor in each residence hall and are responsible for:

    • Building community among students
    • Developing social and educational programs in the residence halls
    • Assisting students if there is a personal or administrative matter
    • Ensuring that the Student Code of Conduct is being followed

    Learning Community Assistants (LCAs) work to implement community-wide and topical programming for students living on campus including wellness themed, academic, interpersonal, and community development. They live in the residences and work with the professional staff to ensure the creation of proactive, supportive communities.

    Becoming an RA or LCA gives you the opportunity to develop leadership skills, plan programs and events, and exercise peer advising and mediating. It serves as great preparation for the real world, regardless of your major.

    The RA and LCA positions are a one-year commitment that may be renewed at the discretion of the Associate Dean & Director of Residence Life. Full-time rising juniors and seniors, especially student leaders with involvement in artistic, athletic or ROTC programs, are encouraged to apply. Applications are available beginning in December of each year.

  • Work in the Campus Garden

    Our campus sustainability efforts include caring for gardens that produce fresh food used in the dining halls. Join other students and staff in designing, growing, maintaining and harvesting vegetables from the campus garden. It’s also a great way to increase awareness about local, organic urban gardening, to contribute to the beauty of campus, and to get your hands dirty while learning something new.

  • Become a Manhattan Mover

    Make the transition to university life easier for a new student by becoming a Manhattan Mover. Each year, continuing students can apply to return to school early and assist incoming students as they move onto campus. Applicants should be full-time, resident students in good academic and disciplinary standing with plenty of enthusiasm and school spirit!