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Fair Trade Colleges & Universities

Manhattan University has officially been a fair trade institution since 2012. As a pioneer in the fair trade movement, we were the fifth university in the nation to receive this distinction.

Fair Trade Colleges logoThe Fair Trade Universities started in 2003 in the U.K. when Oxford Brookes University became the world's first Fair Trade University. There are now dozens of fair trade colleges and universities in the U.S., with many more working towards status. 

On Feb. 16, 2012, Manhattan University became the first officially designated Fair Trade University in New York City and the fifth in the United States. As a fair trade university, Manhattan University is responsible for increasing awareness and availability of fair trade products across campus and ensuring that new students and staff are aware of the fair trade status.

The criteria for becoming a fair trade university includes:

  • Forming a fair trade committee
  • Having at least two fair trade products available in university-owned/operated outlets as well as included in service contracts whenever possible
  • Using fair trade products at internal university meetings, events hosted by the university and in university offices
  • Developing a fair trade resolution and fair trade procurement policy
  • Committing to fair trade education, awareness-raising and growth of the fair trade campaign